Algae Aquarium

The photos show the reconstruction of an algae infected aquarium.

First photo show before the cleaning and the next ones show after. We use the NEW AquaMedic ECOdrift 15.0 and many other NEW filters.

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Aquarium rental in Gödöllő

We give a medium size aquarium with 3 meters long for rent for 8 days. The aquarium was set up in a big tent at this time with coldwater fishes.

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Thermo glass homar holder

We set up a thermo glass homar holder on aluminium stand with stainless steel wrap. Under the aquarium we put AquaMedic aCone 1.0 skimmer Titan 1500 cooling unit also UV and DVH filter sack.

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Big size coldwater fish tank construction and reconstruction of the filter system.

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Corner aquarium with stair bottom

The photos show a freshwater corner aquarium construction work.(We use Eheim and Hydor filters and heaters also LED lamps with Sponge Bob decors.)

In memory for Lori…

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Construction work at Szarvas

We build up big size aquariums at Szarvas 20 and 25 mm glass we use hoist and finaly made the 3 pcs cold water aquariums with Astral sandfilters HQi lamps and AquaMedic UV filters.

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Work at Tata

The photos show the second marine aquarium of our customer.

We use AquaMedic aCone 1.5 skimmer Aquacare NO3 reductor DVH sack filters Aqua Medic Uvs and Titan 1500 cooling unit and Aqua Medic ECODrifts.

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We set up an Eel system for the Tropicarium.
We use AquaMedic Turboflotor 5000, Aqua Medic Helix Max UVs pumps all others.

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2 meters long marine aquarium

We bulid a 300 liters marine aquarium 2 meters long.

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Salt shipment for the Zoo

We delivered 10 tonns of Wiegandt salt for the Zoo.

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At the aquapark of Zalakaros we bulit up a 1000liters frshwater aquarium with T5 and LED lamps use Eheim Prof3 and Redmoor woods with lot of Anubias.
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We got a request to make a 8500 liters freshwater aquarium with cichlids and use for decoration a Yellow Submarine which came from the Cost of Australia.

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